

  • A Seller Note Assist in Agency Acquisitions

    A Seller Note Assist in Agency Acquisitions

    Written By: Wildhawk Capital Definition: A Seller Note is a form of debt financing used in insurance agency acquisitions in which the Seller agrees to receive part of the purchase price as a series of monthly installment payments. This occurs when the agency buyer does not have the entire purchase price in cash and can...

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  • Business Meeting

    How Buyers Prepare for the Agency Acquisitions

    Purchasing an insurance agency is often difficult and time-consuming for the buyer. The merger and acquisition (M&A) process is one that requires careful planning, the use of competent professionals, and an understanding of the deal dynamics...

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  • Insurance Agency Evaluations, EBITDA vs. Revenue Multiple

    Insurance Agency Valuations, EBITDA vs. Revenue Multiple

    Definitions EBITDA is the acronym used for Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization. It is a measurement of an agency's operating performance. Essentially, it's a way to evaluate the agency's performance without having to factor in current financing decisions, accounting decisions, or current tax obligations. It is the process of adding the agency’s...

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